How Smartphones Have Affected Communication

    While the iPhone was not the first ever smartphone, it’s the most common smartphone among consumers. The first Apple iPhone was introduced in 2007, changing the market of cellular devices forever. At the time Steve Jobs (former Apple CEO) described it as: “iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone” (Kerris & Dowling, 2007). Additionally, it was advertised as being a breakthrough internet communications device; that “features the most advanced and fun-to-use web browser on a portable device with a version of its award-winning Safari™ web browser” (Kerris & Dowling, 2007). Fifteen years later, “about 2 billion iPhones have been sold since its introduction, with nearly 800 million in use around the world today – about one for every 10 people on the planet” (Byrne, 2023).

    Smartphones have revolutionized the way that people communicate with one another. While you can still make calls, the devices have enabled people access to the world with just the tap of a phone screen. In addition to changing communication standards, smartphones have impacted the ways we: get information, receive/view news, shop, travel, and experience entertainment. They have provided a space for almost instantaneous communication despite borders. As discussed by Bajarin (2020), the smartphone with a camera will go down in history as one of the essential tools of this decade to hold people responsible for their words and actions. “It’s not just the bestselling gadget ever created: It’s probably the most influential one, too…Its influence goes far beyond other phones — the infrastructure that made the iPhone also enabled drones, smart-home gadgets, wearables and self-driving cars” (Byrne, 2023).


Bajarin, T. (2020, June 9). Smartphones’ Role In Changing World History. Forbes. 

Byrne, K. J. (2023, January 9). On this day in history, Jan. 9, 2007, Steve Jobs introduces Apple iPhone at Macworld in San Francisco. The New York Post. 

Chantel, J. (2023, April 25). Smartphone History: The Timeline of a Modern Marvel. [Blog]. Textedly. Smartphone History: The Timeline of a Modern Marvel 

Kerris, N., & Dowling, S. (2007, January 9). Apple Reinvents the Phone with iPhone. [Press Release].
            Apple Newsroom. Apple Reinvents the Phone with iPhone
