Fake News
“Apart from the results of the United States presidential election and the United Kingdom referendum on Brexit , one of the most newsworthy issues of 2016 was news itself- or rather "fake news" and its impact on those and other events” (Burshtein, 2017). As described by Burshtein (2017), fake news is patently false and is created and presented in a way meant to deceive consumers into thinking that it is real. Fake news also typically will include clickbait , which although may not be false in nature, is intended to capture the attention of an audience and persuade them to click on the post or article. Although fake news had occurred for years prior to the 2016 U.S. presidential election , it garnered widespread attention when “ inaccurate social media posts were spread to large groups of users, a form of “viral” circulation found most prominently on the Facebook platform, during the campaign” (McDougall, 2021). Additionally, “a key development in the use of the...